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Anti - Cellulite Massage 30'
Service Description
The appearance of cellulite is almost inevitable, so every woman tries to delay this moment as long as possible or to begin to deal with the problem at the first sign of its appearance. Today, there are many methods of dealing with orange peel, so it will not be so difficult to cope with the task. The main challenge is to be patient and practice specific movements for certain parts of the body: buttocks, thighs, abdomen, etc. Anti-cellulite massage helps to reduce fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue and smooth the skin surface. Its technique is close to the techniques of conventional European massage. But increased attention is paid to the deep tissues in order to activate circulation in the blood, lymph, and intercellular fluid. anti-cellulite massage provides improvement of local blood circulation and lymph flow; acceleration of the decomposition of lactic acid; removal of toxins, toxins, and excess water from the subcutaneous tissue; accumulation of biologically active components that contribute to the destruction of connective tissue septa, normalization of cellular metabolism, and removal of excess fat from tissues; increasing the effectiveness of the anti-cellulite cosmetics used ; alignment of the skin. Anti-cellulite massage involves compressing muscular body parts hard and rhythmic enough to improve the blood circulation supply to the subcutaneous fat layer, stimulate the lymphatic system and increase skin firmness.
Contact Details
Romvis 18, Athens 105 62, Greece